Welcome to ScubaDiverHQ.com, your number one source for scuba diving information and resources. We are a team of passionate scuba divers who want to share our love of the underwater world with others.
Our site was founded in 2020 by Brian Young, an experienced scuba professional and avid diver. Brian started ScubaDiverHQ as a place to provide helpful tips, reviews, and advice to new and veteran divers alike. No matter what your skill level is, you’ll find something useful here to enhance your diving adventures.
We provide comprehensive guides and FAQs covering topics like getting certified, choosing the right gear, finding great dive destinations, improving your skills, and much more. Our goal is to educate and connect divers from around the globe. This is a community where we can all share our underwater experiences and help each other grow.
In addition to our guides, we also feature product reviews of the latest scuba gear to hit the market. From dive computers to regulators, you’ll find unbiased recommendations from our team. We want you to get the right equipment for your needs and budget. You’ll also discover interviews with industry professionals and fascinating dive travelogues from our team expeditions.
At ScubaDiverHQ, we don’t just view diving as a hobby – it’s our passion and lifestyle. The ocean gives us immense joy and we want to share that feeling with you. Join us as we dive into this vast blue world together!
Please explore the site and let us know if you have any questions. We’d love to hear from fellow divers and help enrich your underwater adventures however we can. Safe diving!